Guam Support

During the Summer of 2022, I was deployed to Guam with other aircraft maintenance specialists and crew chiefs from the Hawaii Air National Guard to support the main unit, New Jersey National Guard. As a joint unit, we worked together to launch, recover, and maintain aircrafts throughout many critical missions.

My role as a Senior Airman (E-4) avionics specialist, was to accomplish any and all avionics related jobs. As an avionics specialist, I was called upon to inspect any issues regarding fuels, Flight Display, Embedded Global Positioning/Inertial Navigation Systems, Flight Management, Flight Controls, Flight Director, and F;ogjt Monitoring Integrated Systems. After any maintenance completed on my end, it was my responsibility to log down the completed jobs on the online database along with informing the flight chief.

Throughout my deployment in Guam, I have gained an immeasurable amount of knowledge. I learned new troubleshooting techniques, aircraft maintenance that stems out of avionics, and as well as being more comfortable approaching high ranking officers within the military. This was only able to be accomplished due to the amazing colleagues that I have worked with while being in Guam.