Valiant Efforts

15 Dec 2023

Valiant Effort Tracking

Software Engineering

Foreseeing the Future

Within the initial discussion amongst ourselves as a group, in which we estimated to be roughly the same amount as time as class, we began to draft our initial ideas. Along with discussing what we looked forward to accomplishing, as a group, we have made rough estimates on how long it should take for the task before the act of doing so. We all seemed highly optimistic in the beginning, basing the estimation times of each task towards how we initially saw the difficulty. However, we all inevitably encountered some form of setback, whether it be with code, planning, documentation searching, etc. As a result of seeing how far off our actual was from the estimation after the fact, I am delightful with the tracked results. With regards to myself and possibly some of my other colleagues, I can easily see how difficult some tasks were and how much time needed to be allocated to understanding on how to solve some issues. With this information, we are also able to see what general areas we need to improve on for future purposes. To track my time estimations, I take note of the time when my coding starts, which is usually how I start until I run into problems, then I take down the time of when I find myself deeply indulged in non-coding activities such as skimming through library documentations, examples, youtube videos, etc. Afterwards, I take note of when I begin to code again and using my github repository branch pushes as indicators of when my coding has begun and ended.